My wait started at 9.25am. Had blood tests, ECG, X-ray taken. Did the admission paperwork (I will be staying in category B1 ward). Seen the anesthetist. Was asked many questions on blood clot problems (in case i have the potential to bleed to death...), drug allegy, etc. I spent about 3 hours on just these few stations.
The most "torturing" was the last station to see the doctor for my pre-admission assesment. I had to sit and wait for about 1hr 10min before i could see the doc!! And guess what... I was told what i was oreadi told in all the previous stations! Signed 2 forms and i was out in 5min! I waited 1hr for a 5min talk with the doc. Why did the 3 patients before me took 1hr 10min?!!! O man... Well, I brought home "Your blood tests, ECG, xray are all ok" & the most annoying HEADACHE.
Cin asked if I was afraid of the operation... I dun reali feel scare or worried... Maybe not yet. I'm just a bit grossed out the last time I had GA applied on me... The nurse said "ok, start counting 1 to 10." "1... 2... 3... ....." Before I knew it, I was unconscious and awake again. So eeeks.
Hmmm... How i love my life... I remember I was so sick when i was young. Frankly speaking, I feel absolutely insulted whenever people comment that I always fall sick. Cos I was so sick all the time when I was young. Always in pain. I think that's why I'm not reali scared of pain or injections or bitter medicines. Had too much of it when i was young... So used to it.
Even tho I was rather accustomed to pain, I remember I was always "fighting" for my life. I wanted to live so much. I treasured my time, my life. I can be having fever, but i would insist on going to school. I joined every and any activities that I was asked to. In primary sch, I was in chinese dance, band (trumpet), brownie (smthg like girl guide), short dist, long dist track events, long jump and high jump, cross-country events. In secondary sch, I challenged myself with NPCC, basketball, volleyball, netball, track events. I dun call myself an athlete cos i am not good in any of them tho i did win some medals. But it's just cos many just dun wanna try. Haha. So sad huh. But I just loved my life and wanted to try to stretch myself. I just needed to live it to the fullest.
Now that I am older, i need to remind myself of that "attitude" I had when I was younger. The "fighting" heart that simply loves life. That was why I was quite on the extreme side whenever I am motivated to do smthg. Thru the years, this part of me was just so toned down till I wonder if I had oreadi lost myself.