Monday, November 24, 2008

Outing with YK, KS & VIC zone - Oct 27, 2008

We were all supposed to reach by 9.30am and those that did not reach by then will have to pay entry fee for those that were on time. Well, of cos there were those that were forever late and will refuse to abide by the rules, but most of us were early. So that's good enough. :)

We started with the shoes/slippers game and then the "elope" game. Whenever there is game, there will be the "play-cheat" gang, "ah-tah" gang and the "gung-ho" gang. So with a fair mix, we had loads of fun and laughter.

Friday, November 14, 2008


"Do not despise yourself just bcos you ain't the top in class nor the hot favorites. As long as you did your best, enjoy the fruit you had bore according to your efforts sown."

Those were words that came forth during preaching. Not planned but I felt like it's the Holy Spirit speaking through me to myself. Still pondering on it.

Haven't been blogging. Busy, sick and simply no mood to write carefully. What's with me? I am feeling sick again. Stomach churning for the last 2 hours that makes me feel like puking. Arghh...

Told the people in the lighest tone and most positive way I could. But I am so sad. Couldn't put it to words just sad. I could only encourage myself. "Be proud of what you have done in their lives. Do not be afraid of the 'giants'. Do not despise what God has done through you." :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

A wonderful Arise & Build Service

We all did what we needed to do. In the midst of this economic crisis, the people are still willing to come and build God's house.

Service - Nov 1, 2008
Pastor Kong

Pro 13:12

Manifestion : Logos becomes Rhema.

John 1:14
Manifestation in its highest form: The Word becomes flesh.

Biblical Christianity is living the Word out in reality.

It is immoral to put a creature in an envioronmemt contrary to it's basic nature.

Until you understand and know God, you won't understand the atrocity that the devil has put man into the environment of poverty. It is immoral and insulting to  put man into poverty.

Luke 1:26-38
The unusual response brings the manifestation.

For every biblical manifestation there is always first an unusual response.

What's your unusual response to manifest the Word?

A breakthrough is a sudden burst of power that takes you past the previous point of resistance.

Saturday, November 1, 2008