Hmmm... Just a "hook" to make you read my blog entry. Ha! But then, not exactly irrelevant tho... I'm not ready as in... not ready to blog abt my year-end thanksgiving and new year resolutions. 
Today, the cousins came over to play boggle. It was reali intense... Everytime, they do something, they are reali into it man... 

And I just realised today that the cousins are reading my blog!! They are probably reading this entry now. (Hi cousins!!) Hee.
Pst Tan preached a tremendous sermon.
One of the illustrations that reali GOT me:
A lecturer took out a huge jar in the class. And he put in rocks into the jar as much as he could and he asked the class, "is the jar full?" The class answered, "Yes." Then he took out a pack of small gravels and started pouring in as much as he could. And then asked the class, "Is the jar full?" Knowing that the lecturer has something up his sleeves, the class replied cautiously, "It's quite full, but there is still space." Pleased, the lecturer took out a pack of sand and started pouring again till the jar could not take in anymore sand. He asked the question again and the class replied in like-manner. Then he took out a jug of water and pour it into the jar till it's full. Then he asked the class, "What can you learn from this?" One of the students stood up and answered confidently, "No matter how packed your schedule is, there is always a way to squeeze in more things." The class broke out into laughters. And the lecturer replied, "No. This is to tell you that, in life if you don't put in the big rocks first, at the end of the day, you will never be able to put them in anymore."
In life, if you don't put in the big rocks FIRST, before everything else, you will never be able to put them in anymore at the end of the day. Sometimes, we neglect our loved ones so much because of work, our ambition, etc, that at the end we realised we will never have the chance again to "squeeze" our loved ones into our schedule anymore. Not just talking about our loved ones, but also about what is actually more important in life. Things such as our relationship with God, our values, our convictions & our character.
So much to say... I am so impacted by this illustration. I couldn't get it off my mind and heart. Throughout the entire svc, thoughts went through my mind. Maybe it's time for me to move on. I need a confirmation. Can't be rash again.