O my goodness! I cried in the CGM today!!! O man...
Well, i never like to appear weak to pp. Not that crying means weak... Maybe bcos since young i was always sterotyped to be a weak little gal. (I was only 138 when i was in P6!) Tat's why i switched from chinese dance to NPCC and sports in sec! Yap. I was a dancer too! just a CHEE-NA one. Haha. So maybe, i have learnt to be strong and tough along the way...
Anyway, i was so shocked that i cried during CG today!!! God's ways are always higher than our ways... I wanted to say alot of things and my mind just went blank during that moment. Aiyo... so paiseh!!! I shall write some of it in my blog then... (Anyway, i thk some of the members dun read blogs so i no need to write oso la. Ha!)
To Cinthia:
-Gal, you have come a long way in 2006. I know many times you had to give up on your on "ideals" and "dreams" and take up the challenge I placed to you. Even though there were some "unwillingness" after i talked to you somewhere this year, but you blew me away by taking up the challenge and rising up more in the CG. Many times, you keep kana "grilled" by me, you were still very "you" to me. Not pretending. I am very proud of you. Thanks for taking up the challenge. Couldn't have done it without you!
To Nick:
-I still remember you are only 15 yrs old... Hee. Enjoy your youth and grow through your youthful years. Don't despise your youth cause you can do great things in CHrist Jesus. You have come a long way as well. Want you to know, i am always here for you. I believe in you!
To Jackie:
-Very happy that you are breaking thorugh in your finances. You can be the head and not the tail, on top and not beneath. All of us have weaknesses. Your weaknesses are not less or more than others. Don't maginfy them. Keep breaking through!
To Pelyn:
-Little gal is not so little actually. I'm very happy to always have you around to brighten my day always. Well, you have a lot of "bees" all around...

 Learn to "enjoy" the attention but dun be confused by ur hormones. HAHA.
You have an attractive personality! Â
Aiyo... So many people how to write... Haha. Say faster leh... Ok... Gotta continue...
To Sean:
-Mr handsome, can you go and charm some gals into the CG for the sake of us?! Haha... Keep running toward your dream. Thanks for being teachable!
To Math:
-O yes... full of questions all the time... Haha. Keep building on your hunger for His Word. You can get some of our brains to be thinking as well!
To Xinhui:
-Very happy to have you in my CG. and being my "nu-er"... Hee. Love yourself. Cos Jesus loves you and I love u too! Thanks for being the faithful reader of my blog! I love you lots!
To Dennis:
-Your hunger and teachable attitude have made it easy for me to be your CGL. You reminded me of myself when i just came to Christ. Keep running after the heart of God. Nobody will ever be able to belittle you bcos you don't belittle yourself. Shine for Jesus!
To Adam:
-Your fickleness has made you very interesting. Haha. You always have new hobbies all the time. Remember, dun be a jack of all trade and a master of none. Nonethless, you have added colors to our lives!
To Nicholas:
-Your sms to me today has made me glad. Pls spend more time here to build your friendship in this place. I hope i can be a friend to you too!
To Mengru:
-You know that i will do anything for you. There are many things we simply cant change. And you probably have come to accept it. You have been strong. Thanks for believing in me for so long!
Ok. The rest, shld be wont check blog one la huh. HAHAHAHAH...
But reali, I love N262 alot. Everyone of you is reali a piece of my life.
To Stella and Shirley:
-you gals have been awesome. Yanping loves you gals alot. Haha. Ya ya. i know you all always think she's very fierce... But she has a very soft heart for you people. Just learn to listen to her heart. You will know she loves you all alot.
To my sister:
-you are an inspiration to me! Your little acts for your members make me feel so inspired all the time. i am VERY PROUD of you!
Aiyo... So mushy... I better stop. Going to vomit at myself liao. Haha.
BYE 2006. HI 2007!!!