Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fruits, flowers, magazines, sudoku, comic

I received so much of them. Now, i got 3 fruit baskets, 3 flower basket, 3 hampers of food and tonic, alot of magazines, 4 sudoku books, 2 teddy bears. Thanks so much to all those tat visited me or dint visit me but sent gifts.

I'm rather tired. Feel better tat i can slowly pee. Hee. Even tho still cant totally empty my bladder, at least better than dun relief at all.

I'm rather delighted to see so many of the zone ldrs. So warmth. For those tat dint visit me, it's ok, you are forgiven. Haha.

thank you my lovely friends!


Sandra Tan said...

LOL... Yes, I am so sorry I couldn't make it tonight. Thanks for your forgiveness! =P 4 Sudoku books ah? I am very amazed... U can hone your skill!

Sophie Wong said...

OMG, what happened?

olivia lau said...

Dear Yvonne, sorry couldn't visit you today. Had to work late. Am praying for you that you will have a superb speedy recovery... thanks so much for all your sacrifices!
Love, Oli

huifang Ching said...

hugs =)

Jorin Ong said...

hi gal... hope u are doing fine. take good care......