Monday, August 27, 2007

Ward 57, 7am again

I'm having my 2nd op on Wed morning. Gotta be at ward at 7am again. Aiyo. Fast again on Tue 12mn. Tired leh.

Went to see doc for detailed report on the lump. The cancerous cell is focal. Meaning it's only on a point and not linked to the blood or smthg like tat. Doc says it's as good as I have already removed the cancerous cell already. But I gotta remove the left side of the thyroid as well. After that, they will scan for other thyroid lump/tissue in the body. Er. I ave no idea why is there any thyroid lump elsewhere in the body. Anyway, I think it's to ensure there is no other lumps grown in my body that is related to the thyroid. If there is then I gotta take medication to eliminate the lumps. The medication is some radiation kind of medicine. I heard I will be isolated for 4days after each intake and cant get pregnant during the time. I pray that there will not no need of it.

Because my entire thyroid gland is removed, I gotta to go on medication permanently for replacement of hormones. Thyroid gland is actually rather important as it controls our metabolism.

Then on the Thyroid there are parathyroid glands that control the calcium level in the blood. Doc says he will try to separate the glands from the thyroid else I gotta take medication to regulate the calcium level oso. Aiyo.

Friends, thanks for all the well-wishings, I reali appreciate it. I am still not nervous abt the op this time. Just pray that won't have any complications during and after. My mum said when I was 7, she went op to also remove a lump at the neck area, and she sort of died cos of the GA but was revived. Haha. Thank God I didn't know this before my 1st op. Hee hee.

Love you all!


Meitong Shen said...

Love you too!
Praying for you von~

Yvonne Chua said...


aloysius siow said... worries k?my mum to went to have her thyroid gland removed when she was young and she gave birth to my sis and the very smart and handsome me...hahaha....jk worries la....will be praying for thee. tc God bless.

Thomas Lee said...

hey... Lau Ban Niang.. :P
We'll b praying for you 2.. When will u be discharge and which hospital?? We wanna go pay u a visit.. :D

God is Jevoah Rapha.. The God who heals.. :D

huifang Ching said...

hugs =) anything u need anytime, let me know... jiayou!

Yvonne Chua said...

Aloy: That's very encouraging! Both to me and yourself. Hee.
Thomas: SGH Ward 57. Dunno exactly which room and bed yet.
Huifang: Pls help Meiyan... She probably will be fuming mad more often when she is doing the admin. Haha..

Cheryl Hiew said...

No wonder your mom looked calm the other day.. cos she went through it... No worries!!! All your family members and friends are around you : ) You will recover fast and then give birth to many wonderful and lovely children ...