Monday, February 25, 2008
Random Entry

We had CG game. And it was the modified "action heart attack". These 3 boys really very cham. They are always the last few to follow the action. So they had many rubberbands on their head. They are so funny.
O! What's that?!! It's an angel???
No la... It's just me... After OPM, I slept for 4 hours and woke up to rebond my hair... Well, besides, Vic oso can't stand my curly oily hair. HAHA. So he purposely woke up at 10am to call the neighbourhood salon for me. And he got me to wake up and go do my hair. I was TIRED man... And obviously BORED...
The Final Product. :)

The family went out for dinner and thereafter a game of bowling and pool.
Everybody was so high and bragging about their skills... And boy, we had a good laugh when all the "long gang" balls happen... HEHE.

Choosing balls and discussing and teasing each other... Aiyo...
Went back to my parents' place. From the point we stepped into the house, Keighley cried non-stop. I thk Vic and I scare her. But she finally smiled at us... So sweet...
O I muz mention this.. I reali thk the way she smile and cry resembles my dad. HAHA.
After reading that Isaiah has the different cubes, I was determined to find out how to solve it man!!! So, today i solved the rubik's cube!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUahhhhhh!!!!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Your greatest testimony comes out of your weakness
Well, let me tell my story. I think it's a testimony and I hope it will encourage somebody out there somehow.
I didn't have a fantastic childhood. I couldn't recall much memory of it except those sad and bad ones. And sometimes, I wonder if those were just nightmares that I thought were real. Ha! I dunno but they sure had haunted me and almost destroyed me.
Because of it, I grew up with an extremely maimed esteem. I hated men. Feared them. No way was I able to look them in the eyes. I detested especially those that were good-looking, suave and eloquent. They were nothing more than a lie and a fake mask to me then. If anyone were to express their love for me, i would look down on them as shallow. I would find every reason not to be emotionally involved with any guy in any way.
At the same time, I was very much sucked into lust that were passed onto me. And it contributed further to my low self-esteem. I was a victim and I felt helpless and lost. I couldn't get myself out. I hated myself for the gross lifestyle that I had.
But thank God, He found me. My life was drastically changed when I met Him at CHC. I was set free from lust during one of the bible studies. So since then I swung into the other extreme. I totally abstain from watching mushy, touchy, erotic shows. I couldn't even stand a simple kissing scene in a show. Cos it only reminded me of the grotesque life I had. I wanted nothing to do with it anymore.
Well, you could say, i became "holy". Haha. But it wasn't of help actually. No amount of deliverance sessions could prove that I was truly set free. So I took a step of faith into the first ever BGR that i had at the age of 24. And I struggled like crazy in this first relationship with Vic. I almost broke up with him in the first 3 months cos I couldn't stand this "weird" feeling that I had on the inside. Suddenly, i felt lost and helpless all over again. Well, my present status speaks that I did break through and am now married.
However, it's not like the "happily ever after" in the fairy tales. There were struggles and MORE struggles. It didn't help that I was going through depression during that period. I was confused again. And how do you get intimate when all of it would remind you of a past that had bounded and haunted you? It is reali a step of faith. Every ounce of me cringes.
But Vic was very patient with me. He accepted me, bore with me and cherished me even though I was only taking from him and not giving to him. There were times i yelled and screamed at him for the most absurd reason yet he loved me. I cried and disturbed his sleep in the middle of the night. I threw my tantrums and wailings, all at him. All of it cos I couldn't stand myself within and without.
Thank God it all ended when it dawned upon me that I was only truly set free when I could live out a successful marriage life. Faith is an act. Like a newborn Christian, I tried to do all that I had preached all these years. It's like putting my convictions, values and principles into evaluation and test. To love and to sacrifice when two has become one. My life was no longer just my own. It was difficult but now, i am proud to say that I have broken through. I am walking in freedom in God and in the marriage that is ordained of God. And I am enjoying every bit of my marriage life.
From filth to abstinence to sanctity. Marriage is ordained of God. What God has sanctified, let no one deem it as disdain. Marriage is a SACRAMENT. May God be glorified in every marriage and through every marriage. And may His fear be constantly in your heart as He entrust another life into your hands in marriage. Amen.
Surprise for my Valentine
Finally, I gave Vic a surprise.
We celebrated our V-Day on Wed bcos of our CGMs on Thu. (See, CGLs are very wei da. HAHA.) So he bought me a gift and then treated me to movie. But I didn't buy him anything. :) I told him i wanted to buy him Lacoste but no boutique in AMK. He said he rather choose the top himself cos he didn't trust my taste!! hmp!!! So I brought him to the Lacoste on V-Day but the new stocks are not out!! HAHA. So he said he wanted to come back again on Friday. HEHE. There begun the chance for my plan...
We went our separate ways to our CGMs. After CGM, I went to buy him a present!! That was what I wanted to buy for him all along just that I lack the faith. Well, there is some truth to Vic's doubts on my taste. HEE. But this time, I went to City Chain and did the picking of the present all by myself!! *GRIN* So proud of it. After choosing the gift, i went to get a card for him too. (Have never done that before... Inspired to do so cos accompanied Wenling to buy V-day card for Pst YK.)
Just when i was grinning with pride of my plan, i found out that Vic had already reached home! Gosh. So I had to squeeze the paper bag and card into my bag so that he would not see them. And then secretly took it out, wrote the card and placed the present on the shelf in the room. After I had bathed, I sat at the sofa and "deir" at him to get my HP which I had purposely left in the room. hehe.
So when he went in, he let out "EH?!" The look on his face was just classic. Surprised? Shocked? Disbelief? Whatever... He unwrapped it and look at the watch as if it was a fake seiko or something.
He meddled with it for quite a while before accepting that it's a REAL SEIKO WATCH from his WIFE. HAHA. The surprise, cos this time, my taste was RIGHT! The shock, cos it's EXPENSIVE! The disbelief, cos he just complained he had no V-day gift and I played along to say too bad no new stock from Lacoste. O ya. I forgot to mention he was embarrassed. Cos the 4 lines on the card was so mushy... Actually, I didn't realise what was written on it until I suggested putting it in the office. Then he went... "er. heng rou ma." And I laughed after I read the 4 lines. Zhen de heng er... Haha...
So Vic was very very happy abt the gift and the surprise.
To stay in love in marriage is reali effort on both parties. We love what we cherish and we cherish what we love. Marriage is a whole new world. You will reali understand it only after you get married. Through it your convictions, values, principles, all that you have preached to your members undergo fire. This is when you realise how much do you believe in what you preach. Forgiveness, unconditional love, sacrifice, etc.
I love Vic and I will do everything I can to love him because he has first loved me. Thank you Darling, for accepting me, bearing with me and cherishing me. You are the best answer God has given for my prayers. You are my "bear bear" even though you are no longer that "fat bear bear" anymore. HA!
I love you.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
2nd Radio-Iodine Treatment
Yestrdy, I went for my medical follow-up for my thyroid treatment.
Doc says I shld go through the radio-iodine treatment the 2nd time as the scan after the 1st treatment shows some dark shadows. So he doesn't knw if the 1st treatment till now has cleared the remnant tissues or it's something that we got to investigate further... So i have to go through it again.
It will be on Apr 28. But i asked for the lightest dosage so that I can be isolated at home instead of in hospital. Well, that will mean i can't try to be pregnant till Nov. But still thank God at least i managed to fight for it to be done earlier rather than to be done only in Oct.
All things work together for good to those who love God.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Kopi-O is LOVE
I finally got a pair of CROCS! Vic has been raving abt his pair of Crocs slippers everytime he wore it. So he got me to Crocs, make me try and choose. Then went to buy it on Wednesday for me as Valentine's Day gift. Woo hoo! Now i'm wearing it. YEY!
Ok. Back to my title "Kopi-O is LOVE".
This is the fourth time I am trying to write this and post it up. Cos the site couldn't save it yestrdy. Anyway, recently, Pastor quitted his coffee habit. And others have been telling me... "Yvonne, coffee affects pregnancy rate." etc. But still, i won't quit coffee.
Here's why:
- I have been drinking coffee since as young as 5yrs old. At least a coffee a day.
- It's the expression of my late grandfather's love. "Ling ah, lai. Ah gong hor li lim kopi." Hmmm... Love.
- It's the only pleasant memory of my childhood i can recall.
- It's an excuse for my mum to talk to me and share with me.
- It was an excuse for me to get into my mum's boat and got her open to God.
- It's like a familiar friend who brings comfort and security.
- Moreover, I am a loyal person. I won't abandon my friend. Hee :)
So Kopi-O is reali LOVE to me. When I think of Kopi-O, I think of love. My grandpa's love. My mum's love. My love.
So how can i live without someone so familiar and so needed?
Happy Valentine's.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
CNY 2008 - Celebrating with Pst YK & family
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
First Day of CNY
Now, the family is playing Mahjong. They are so fast, I totally "lia bo kiu" even though I sat there for like 30min or more trying to decode. And I thk Vic is made rather impatient by all my questioning... Haha. And can you see Vic "lao cui nua" as he watches the ladies play. Anyway, now I am bored and trying to upload some photos that I didn't get to do for last 2wks.
Some photos I took on Monday when the leaders went Chinatown with Pastor YK and family.
It's quite a tradition for Pastor and us to visit Chinatown a few times before CNY. But this year I only went Chinatown once, but of course, Pst went for abt 5times oreadi. Haha. Anyway, in the 3rd picture above, you can see that Pst is choosing his small "ju zi". It's a must-buy for him each year. Vic and Pst are always very excited abt CNY. VERY EXCITED, i must emphasize. :)
O ya. Last 2 wks or something, we had CG games and these are some pictures.
The top left pic: It's Dennis and Adam's forfeit. Dennis is doing pole-dancing on Adam. HA!
The rest of the pics: We played a simple game... "Hi, my name is Henry. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" "Hi, Henry. My name is Henry. Nice to meet you too." And see the post-its on their faces. We are so bad at it... Aiyo...
O ya. Some of the gals went to a makeup session with Cindy. Meiyan, Sheryl, Xiaoting, Pauline and I were learning intensively for 3hrs plus... Wa. I dunno abt the rest but for me I find it rather enriching. Pauline is not found in any pic cos she was too shy to show the "scary" makeup that we drew on ourselves. HAHA.
Ok. Lastly...

This is rather "bo liao". We were walking on the bridge linking 2 places and it's the first time i was on it. So I decided to take a photo. We were actually rushing from Nick's wedding to the leaders appreciation dinner.
Ok. I am finding myself very very very bo liao now. My throat is a bit sore from all the new year goodies. I can feel that I am falling sick. But I hope I won't.