Thursday, February 14, 2008

2nd Radio-Iodine Treatment

Yestrdy, I went for my medical follow-up for my thyroid treatment.

Doc says I shld go through the radio-iodine treatment the 2nd time as the scan after the 1st treatment shows some dark shadows. So he doesn't knw if the 1st treatment till now has cleared the remnant tissues or it's something that we got to investigate further... So i have to go through it again.

It will be on Apr 28. But i asked for the lightest dosage so that I can be isolated at home instead of in hospital. Well, that will mean i can't try to be pregnant till Nov. But still thank God at least i managed to fight for it to be done earlier rather than to be done only in Oct.

All things work together for good to those who love God.


Roy Lim said...

Hi there... Oh no, must be tough on you.. lets hope this round, all will be cleared and no more treatment is required!

Cheryl Hiew said...

God will come through for you! Take care!!!