Monday, March 31, 2008
Let's have a lesson on Venn Diagram. :)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
SAFRA Yacht Club @ Sembawang
Friday, March 28, 2008
2 dreams
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Went to jog this morning!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Romantic Princess

Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Very nice! Leaves you wishing you were a princess too! Caused my heart to fonder for my hubby's love. (mushy) HA. But it's a probably rather miserable for him cos i asked him every night why he is not romantic anymore. HAHA.
And of course, Wu Zhun is so CHARMING. Aiyo. I thk the role makes him so charming. Someone with a dream and works hard for it.
Of cos, Zhang Shao Han's acting is great. The songs in the show are mostly from her latest album. Very nice songs. Fell in love with the songs after I started watching the show.
However, I thk towards the last few episodes, it doesn't have much depth to it. And ended a bit... Anyway, I thk there might be 2nd series to the show.
I strongly recommend it for ladies. No so much for guys I guess.
Corner With Love

Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Alot of misunderstandings in between. Misunderstandings caused by each person's pride. Just can't admit love and communicate it. Aiyo. A bit silly. But still, it's generally enjoyable.
Just Finished
Sunday, March 23, 2008
1 month away
Remembering Him
Friday, March 21, 2008
Today is Good Friday

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
dun wait
Many times, we're always at the end of waiting and hoping and most probably praying too. But we shld not be held hostage by these so called limitations. We wanna win the lost but it's with a clause tat says "supernatural and easy." In reality, the supernatural only happens to those tat works hard for the harvest.
This Easter, whether there are many or few tat will end up at the altar area, the harvest belongs to those who works hard before and after. Let's do all tat we can to integrate these potential or not-so-potential frenz.
Hearing the testimony, i'm so moved. If we dun do wat we have been doing, where wld these pp be... and where would I be?
Monday, March 17, 2008
I am so satisfied and happy with myself! HAHA.
After reading Xiang's blog on how she is de-cluttering her house for its intended purpose and vision, I was slightly motivated to de-clutter HALF of my wardrobe. HA. But just now, I read her progress and I decided to do something productive today. So I de-cluttered the other half of my wardrobe, packed and clear the stuff on my shelf and Vic's shelf in our room. Then I cleared a cupboard in my living room. Wa. Soooo good...
The originally messy and packed cupboard is now neat and cleared. Some of the things that were thrown away: plastic flowers which my FIL had no idea who it belongs.2 rolls of dusty gift wrappers. bits of papers with numbers and no names. cards. etc etc etc. Can't even remember liao. We even discovered some stuff that were kept away and we had never known its existence: Weighing scale, lock, 14100 Indonesian rupiah in an Ang Bao!
Vic commented:"You mean the messy and packed cupboard is all useless stuff ah?!" In the end, half of it is dominated by my books now. And there is still lots of space left! YEY!
If you are interested in de-cluttering your rooms, read Enjoy!
Ok. Going to my parents' hse now.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Have been trying to upload some photos taken one wk ago since last wk but my comp just kept hanging… Then when I finally give up trying, I wanted to just post a blog entry… GUESS WHAT… I can only type the title but NOT the content. The page just couldn’t
load properly.
And how did I post this entry? I post it by using email. Great resourcefulness in the midst of frustrations. HAHA. ;P
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
10 dollar KTV
Ah Peng, Huifang, Jimmy & I went to a "10-dollar KTV" at Chinatown on Monday. It was the first visit to sing karaoke in the passed 2 months I thk. Anyway, I didn't sing well so i didn't sing much. Ha.
Some photos...
Look at that Jimmy... So depressed cos he just failed his driving test...
But Ah Peng is soooo into singing her heart out...
And me... I was just taking lots of photos...
Huifang is a good singer and even stood up to SING...
Well, all of them are very good singers except me. :|

Ok. Enough of nice photos... Let's have some cute and silly ones...

Can you see that I am not the singer in the ktv that day?!
2 sweet gals. Any guys interested to ask them out?
Ok Ok... I dint forget abt you, Jimmy...
For all those gals out there, this is Jimmy the handsome, smiley Jackie Cheong cum Andy Lau!!!
C'mon leave a note!!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
The week that just passed
That's Adam & Eugene. They lost in our CG games and ended up having to perform Indian Dance. But it ended up with Adam trying to do pole dancing until Eugene screamed:"I can't take it!!!" They were of such a good spot and we all had fun.

This weekend, F.I.R. came to perform. WOW! It was the first time I heard them sing live. They were good... I was especially so mesmerised by Ah Qing's voice. So nice... More than the nice performance, i thk the best thing is to know that they accepted Christ and their lives were being changed by God day by day. They knew very well they were not totally changed yet but they are trying their best to live their lives for God and to be changed by Him. So proud of them. Such sweetness in their spirit.
I had a bad backache. Dint sleep well the night before. Had a hard time trying to walk without feeling the pain. In the end, I still ended up fellowshipping with the CG at the Old Airport Rd hawker centre.
Took a secret shot of Adam & Tim eating by themselves at another table. Somehow the view was quite interesting to me. Hmm... Dunno how to describe it. :)
Pastor Kong preached on Servanthood. It was a very very good sermon. At the end of it, he gave an altar call for those that would say to God that if He were to call them one day into mission or full time, they will willingly say "YES Jesus". Jackie and Cinthia stood up for the prayer. Wow. I was very touched. It was about willingness not about if you were reali called. It was just about, Jesus IF you call me, I will FOLLOW.
It's not about prominence, not about recognition. I'm just contented that I can do my little to encourage people to serve God and especially in full time ministry.