Saturday, April 5, 2008

Today's Service...

Today, Pst Tan preached a sermon that is a continuation of the previous week. It was really very good. Felt very ministered and encouraged.

*Think with Excellence*

2 Pet 1:5-7
Right thinking will result in right methods and behaviours.

7 stages: Virtue, Knowledge, Self-control, Perseverance, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness, Love.

Virtue = Gk. Arete means excellence.
Foolishness and laziness are severely condemned in the bible.

"Excellence" = to exceed a given standard that is ordinary, average, terrible or unworthy.

Excellence is:
1. To be superior in quality.
- If anything is worth, it's worth doing it excellent.
- If you don't have time to be excellent, you won't have time to re-do it a second time.
- Promotion comes when you have excellence in your work and not because you are nice.
- Disorder invites more disorder.
Song 2:15
- Very often, it is the little details that spoil the "vine".

2. To obtain greater in quantity.
John 15:16 To achieve your dream, you must be willing to pay the price for success.
Ps 126:5-6 The degree we pay the price determines the degree we would achieve our dreams

a. Puts a demand on the heart
Pro 4:23
- High achievers have a great reservoir of emotions to keep themselves going.
Eg. The donkey that shakes off the dirt and step onto it eventually survives and achieves its purpose.
b. Puts a demand on your time
c. Puts a demand on your money

3. To transcend your job description.
-Matt 5:41 The first mile represent duty, the second represent love.
-love begins after the demands of duty have been met.

4. To outdo yourself each time.
-Eph 6:5-6

10 Contrasts
1. Law vs Liberty 
Gal 5:13 
- create in the pp the desire to do it and not bcos they have to do it.

2. System vs Service
Matt 20:25-28
- remember your purpose.

3. Self-centred vs Sprit-centred
Zech 4:6
-God is looking for willing heart and that we lean upon Him.

4. Legalism vs Love
-Pp stay bcos they can feel that this is a place where they are accepted and it's a family to them.

5. Fear vs Faith

6. Control vs Care/Concern
2 Tim 1:6-7

7. Duty vs Devotion
Ex 17:12
-Devotion takes us to another mile.
-Take ownership.

8. Getting vs Giving
2 Cor 9:6-7
-It's not able what we can gain out of the networking but what we can benefit others in it.
-Be a person that uses things to win pp and not one that uses pp to win things.

9. Explanation vs Example
John 13:13-14
-Jesus was first an example in serving before he taught the disciples to serve.

10. Bondage vs Breakthrough

Jesus takes the rejects of the world and turn it into excellence.

God uses the base things of the world to shame the wise.

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