this what we had been busy and preparing for. Pray it won't rain when we are there. Hope everything will go on smoothly. It has got to be fun!
Anyway, went checkup yesterday. Doc never answer my question. He just paused, thought and walked away. Came back at talked to the junior doc and still never answer my question. Haiz. I'm given some prescription and mc and was sent away. Sometimes, doctors are quite perculiar pp. And I am no better. I accepted it as it was and went away with thoughts. Ha!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
This is what i get from a dear friend.
Rather kiddish for a 31yr old me,
but nonetheless, it warms my heart.
This is what you have when you learn to build relationships not ministry.
And it will last for all eternity.
Thanks, friend. I am ok. :)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Prayed. Heard. More Prayers.
Prayed for direction. Went CG. Went somewhere else.
Prayed for someone. Got a sms. Got a hint.
Many thoughts. More prayers.
All things, NEW!
The New Me
(if you can't tell, it's new hair style)
My New Laptop
My new iPhone!!!
Hooray!!! So many new things. All things, NEW!
The end of the 2-week morning prayer. I pray for a new beginning.
There must be something more.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Morning Prayer
We are in the midst of our 2-week morning prayer at various venues during 7am-8am. We have 2 more days to go before we end this 2-week morning prayer. Took a pic today.

There was really alot of people. Every seat was taken. The secondary and JC students are having school, so you know most of these people are working adults or tertiary students. It's reali amazing how so many would come every morning to do morning prayer. O Ya. Tim came for morning prayer on Mon/Tue on his own cos that day he didn't have any exam. And he's in the midst of his prelims... So proud of him. :) Way to go man!. :D
Personally, I felt very blessed. Though in a way I'm physically tired, I feel reali good. It's a sacrifice to the staff cos many times we can't choose to sleep earlier on a weekday night. It only means sleeping at wee hours of the night and waking up at the wee hours of the morning. 要施才有得。This chinese phrase is usually used to refer to freely giving and then you shall receive. It's not just true in financial giving, but in our way of sacrifice as well. Consecrating our hearts. Setting ourselves apart from the usual is a way to chastise our hearts and to get sensitive to God again. Reali a refreshing experience.
But one thing is bad... Outbreak of pimples all over my face. Haiz. So sad. I thk all the faceshop mask will not be good enough... Haiz. But then still, I won't give up the potato chips that I'm munching away now. HEHE. Yummy.
Targeting to sleep at 12mn. Better finish up my stuff now.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Celebrating Yieling's Birthday now
The people are in Swensen's celebrating Yieling's birthday with an ulterior motive... to rope in her other half into the zone. And as you can see, looks like it's "contract signed". (look at the handshake) And I am glad to be able to catch this firsthand at Swensen's.

And yes, "V" for Victory, shown in the pic above.
Reporter Yvonne Chua signing off (from all the untrue reporting)

We looked so tired and I tried too hard to look sharper. HAHA. Pic taken after the Friday morning prayer. This whole week of morning prayer was reali very good. I didn't reali feel that tired. In fact, i thk I felt reali good especially during this period of time when many things are going through my mind. Need directions and decision. God is good.

The SOT staff and the 600 over students behind.
It's one more week before the SOT students graduate. Rather nostalgic. The pastoral staff were there when Pst Kong laid hands and prayed for all the students. They have to catch it and be launched forth for a greater work.
(I took the photo above with Roy's professional camera. Not bad huh.)
I think God is reali good to me. I was just pondering on whether to talk to someone for advice but i decided not to cos I thk she was very busy. And then ended up we worked at JW business center and out of nowhere she suddenly asked me abt what i initially wanted to ask her. I felt very relieved and encouraged after hearing from her. And happy, especially, when I knw that God has arranged this and is leading me step by step. God is good.
Well, the decision is still up to me.
Pastor YK looked reali tired recently.
Feels so busy all the time.
Always SMS-ing and on the phone. Hmmm.
Do keep him in prayer. :)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Slept alot today
I woke up only at 1230pm today. Woo! What a piggy-good-sleep! :D

Well, just to make my conscience feel better, I attempted to go jogging. But both Vic and I walked only to the 5th storey and it started to rain! So we gotta retreat to our cozy habitat and I went back to sleep again till the cousin-gang came in the evening. Or rather much after they came then I woke up. Good sleep good sleep. ;P
Kinda in a sleepy and lazy mood to do anything at all. But still it was rather amusing that in this season of Olympics, we were all talking abt sports in front of the TV. All the "wah, very fast! World no. 1 就是 world no. 1." And I was really wondering, how in the world did they manage to remember all those people's names?! And it's all the different sports for goodness. Soccer, Volleyball, Swimming, Gymnastics... Aiyo... I couldn't even remember my own friends' names sometimes. HAHA! Ok, that's exaggerating a little. But my mind do "jam" a little when it comes to names many times. :)
Anyway, I was happy going CGMs on Thu and Fri even though I was really emotionally drained and didn't feel like leading CGMs at all. But the moment I met them, I felt lifted off my burdens. It wasn't that we had exceptionally good CGMs. It's just that I am happy to meet them. Just happy. :)

I like this 2 photos taken during CG fellowship on Thu. So cute... Haha. Feel so happy just looking at it. HA!
Chatted with Peng on MSN earlier on. She was also so bored that she's actually at Holland V BK wasting her time away online. Haha. I shared with her a little. And I thk I seldom "feel" so weak to her. Anyway, I wasn't exaggerating my emotions. I felt so sad even just sharing with her. Tears welled up as I typed. I need to pray.
O ya. I tot of smthg that I didn't blog some time ago. Everyone know that I love potato chips and even tho Vic always said that I eat one packet per day, I wouldn't agree with the wrong facts. :) Anyway, usually, I will try my best to open a packet with my bare hands in a standard way that I always insist on. Yes, even if it means I take longer to do it, I will still try all ways to open it with my bare hands. So there was this day, I did smthg unusual. I took a pair scissors to cut open the packet. And just as I was doing that, it's almost like the Holy Spirit spoke to me, "Isn't that alot easier?" I stood there smiling at myself. And munching away my chips, I tot, "Yah, alot better. Hmmm... But why was I so adamant about it?"
Yah, why am I so adamant about things sometimes? I wonder. I am trying to change. But still, easier doesn't necessarily mean better. Some internal disputes of the mind.
A change that demands a decision and a commitment that's not the same as the usual and familiar. Hard to explain.
Jesus. I love you. A little tune went on in my mind.
It's time to sleep again.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Occupation fatigue
Or maybe it's just physical tiredness.
I am tired. Tired of doing the same things for the last 9yrs. I admit that I reali grew alot and learnt alot in this 9yrs. I dislike admin but i'm glad I overcome that some yrs back and started to learn and breakthrough. Learnt different ways of looking at things, including conflicts/tension at work & emotions displayed by different ones. I have definitely grown wiser and calmer. Learnt that I need to find solutions instead of complaining. You solve that problem and then that's truly more impt than grumbling and achieving nothing. Well, that earned me the title "Excel Queen" among the ZSecs. Thanks, I gladly receive that compliment as a little pat on my shoulder for a long journey that waits ahead.
I need to move on. That's the tricky part. Move on to what? I am currently doing admin for 3 zones (YK, VIC, KS) which adds up to 1800 pp. I don't even hv time to even think abt how to improve things in the zone. Just keying in and submitting stuff. I dun like the feeling of being paid to do smthg that even a student can do. I need to thk and improve things. If things are not progressive, i feel frustrated. I don't need more zones and more work. I need more satisfaction. I wonder would anyone even bother to thk for me what kind of satisfaction i would hv doing all these for the last 9yrs. I need progression.
Once again at a juncture of decisions. I am tired. I hope i can sleep away the frustrations but I doubt so. Yet, I know I still desire to serve God here. It's still the greatest honor. Simple things like the feeling I get sitting there marking BS attendance and smiling at each one. Maybe I shld just sit in at the reception and try feeling close again to the people and not buried in stacks of papers and admin.
Directions, I pray. I need to move on. Progressions, I reali reali need.
Monday, August 4, 2008
o man...
After one whole day of the RUL conference on global leadership and mentoring congress, i'm still not home. I'm dead-tired waiting for vic to finish his basketball game at pst's place. It's not even 8.30pm yet. I wld rather be at home alone working than waiting here for nothing. Yet i'm simply lazy to even move to go home myself. Tired tired tired. But we had great sessions listening to the different speakers such as Lucas Chow from mediacorp, philip ng from far east organisation and Y Y wong from wywy group. Many valuable thoughts and perspectives.
At the same time i was thinking abt pst kong and pst tan. I thk our two pastors wld be as successful if they had taken leadership in another organisation. Yet they have chosen this as their calling and certainly they are exceling in them. They are definitely not under in terms of wisdom and running an organisation. I pray that God will prosper them even more than they could ever thk of or imagine.
At the same time i was thinking abt pst kong and pst tan. I thk our two pastors wld be as successful if they had taken leadership in another organisation. Yet they have chosen this as their calling and certainly they are exceling in them. They are definitely not under in terms of wisdom and running an organisation. I pray that God will prosper them even more than they could ever thk of or imagine.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Feeling good. :)
Today, I'm feeling much better.
Went to NATAS fair with the intention of getting a good deal to go overseas with family in November. But all the packages are so expensive. I think on a 2nd thought, maybe Vic and I wont go anymore. Or probably see if there is any cheap air ticket to go Australia to look for Linda and her husband. Ha. We shall see...
Rev. Mark Conner shared a simple but good word during the FOP SVC today. One of the things preached which left a print in me: "We are responsible to people, not for people." So true. This was what Vic was trying to get into me during the our dating yrs and 1-2yrs of marriage. That was when i was struggling very hard in letting go of pp that chose their own way. Anyway, when I heard that again today, i felt so glad that I had started to accept it that way yrs ago. It wasn't easy initially, but certainly it made me happier in the ministry and serving pp better. God is good.
Going to eat my chicken wing now. O, but it wasn't Vic that bought for me. ;P And he's eating it now....
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