The people are in Swensen's celebrating Yieling's birthday with an ulterior motive... to rope in her other half into the zone. And as you can see, looks like it's "contract signed". (look at the handshake) And I am glad to be able to catch this firsthand at Swensen's.

And yes, "V" for Victory, shown in the pic above.
Reporter Yvonne Chua signing off (from all the untrue reporting)

We looked so tired and I tried too hard to look sharper. HAHA. Pic taken after the Friday morning prayer. This whole week of morning prayer was reali very good. I didn't reali feel that tired. In fact, i thk I felt reali good especially during this period of time when many things are going through my mind. Need directions and decision. God is good.

The SOT staff and the 600 over students behind.
It's one more week before the SOT students graduate. Rather nostalgic. The pastoral staff were there when Pst Kong laid hands and prayed for all the students. They have to catch it and be launched forth for a greater work.
(I took the photo above with Roy's professional camera. Not bad huh.)
I think God is reali good to me. I was just pondering on whether to talk to someone for advice but i decided not to cos I thk she was very busy. And then ended up we worked at JW business center and out of nowhere she suddenly asked me abt what i initially wanted to ask her. I felt very relieved and encouraged after hearing from her. And happy, especially, when I knw that God has arranged this and is leading me step by step. God is good.
Well, the decision is still up to me.
Pastor YK looked reali tired recently.
Feels so busy all the time.
Always SMS-ing and on the phone. Hmmm.
Do keep him in prayer. :)
Haha, nice reporting there! Just in flow with the current vision~
Dear Von.. Hmm about your last paragraph.. Though I don't always see Pastor very often through the week, but I did somewhat felt the same too. I will be be praying for Pastor. YEAH :)
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