This is the piggy box that supposing to store all my "treasured" papers. Hee...
Quite cheered up just to see the decorated work desk.
This is the Estee Lauder high gloss ultra brillance in 13 Berry from Meiyan. O man. YES! :) I look absolutely gorgeous with it on. HAHA.
Chanel Brillant Lumiere Flurescent Lip Shine in 65 from SP Subzone. Thanks to Olivia, the Shopper. The gloss is so nice................ (I attempted to take a pic of my lips with the gloss on. Too bad my Sony Ericsson HP camera not good enough to show the color.)
Guess bag from the zone leaders! Woo... Probably the most expensive gift I received from the leaders EVER. Hee...
ESPRIT vouchers from John Lim & his wife, Esther. I was quite surprised by the gesture. Feel so blessed! Anyway, I just saw a bag in Esprit that I quite like, so can buy liao!!
Feel so blessed this year. The pastoral staff prayed for me after the pastoral meeting and the leaders prayed for me after the leaders meeting as well. Feel so loved and blessed.
O ya, I must mention this as well... Daryl commented the that my skin looked better today. Feel happy for a split second but I brushed off saying it's the makeup effects. Vic says maybe it's a side effect of absence of thyroid bcos now the metabolism dropped so my face not so red. HA. That's so nice. HEE. Can it have a addtional side effect "bleaching of pimples scar"? HA! :D
You deserved such adoration from friends around you Yvonne... gifts are just simply expression of our love and care... you have done so much for us.. these are nothing.. no amount of money can really subsitute the hardwork and even frustration we had given to you... Once again.. Happy Birthday!!!
Aiyo... It's no longer a frustrations to serve. Frustrations sometimes has got to do with the within not the without. Thanks alot for all the efforts. You guys are pp i hope will have the "long-service" award together with me. :)
did you do anything to ur hair? It looks different and nice nice!
Yeah! You went to layer your hair? It looks really stylish.. And shinier as well.. PHWEEET....
Woo... That may be a side effect cos of the absence of my thyroid as well. Not bad huh. I reali didn't do anything to my hair except change it to side parting. :) But thanks anyway...
Yes I thought your complexion looked super good and u look so well rested... heee....
Serious?? I didn't think my skin was any better leh. Maybe not so red. But i'm sure glad I look better now. HAHA. Or maybe cos I didn't work for one month liao. oops. :)
U really looked radiant that day! =)
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