Thursday, October 4, 2007

Woke up so tired

I didn't feel like waking up at all in the morning. My sleep last few days have been disrupted again. Very tired. But all this will be somehow over in one wk's time.

Yestrdy, I was so encouraged to receive a call from Tim regarding Marc. He said that Marc has PO and got scolded by his mum when he asked about Christianity. But Marc wasn't discouraged. He only said he may not go for all the CGs and SVCs. Tim suggested that they can still meet up to pray when he can't go CG/SVC. And today they are meeting up to pray!!! All organised by our dear Timothy Chan! Woo... And Tim was saying that Marc was not discrouaged but rather excited abt God and wanting to speak in tongues. Tim just sms me that they just ended their worship and going to pray now. That's long if they started at 1pm as planned... I'm so glad that this is what they are doing on the last day of their exams today. God is becoming very real in their lives and not just a mere good religion from their parents. O ya. Marc who just accepted Christ last sunday, even told Tim if he can't go SVC he will pass his tithe to Tim to drop for him... Wow... God's word has left a deep imprint in his heart for such a young believer. I'm so encouraged and reali so propelled to love the lost like it used to be once again. Who says the leaders are the only ones leading?!

Like what I always say... Real friends challenge one another more in character, values, dreams and calling. I am challenged. :)


mengru li said...

WOW. Tim.. finally grown up..

Yvonne Chua said...

Yes. KY was there too. He started the first prayer and even gave a word of encouragement during the prayer. ;)

olivia lau said...

WOW! So encouraging. I like your conclusion Von. REAL friends provide the right environment for the "desirables"!!!