Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On the way home in bus 133

Shocked and burdened as i'm on my way home in bus 133... Thoughts running through my mind as i see the passing buildings and the unreachable faraway skyscrapers...

I used to think tat there's no future for my life. Even tot i would end up among the shameless lot and having a lowly living. But somehow, i wouldn't give in to it. I fought with my whole heart for a life tat's different. And I made it. And i'm always grateful for what God has allowed me to have.

Still, it wasn't a battle won till many tough fights. It's very hard to put to words but i understand it's a tough battle within. It seems to take more of you than to comfort you. But it's a have-to-make decision in order to be truely free. I pray tat you will be willing to forgive and love as Jesus had.

I'm praying for you. All things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

p/s: I'm sure he still loves you very much.

1 comment:

olivia lau said...

Von.. even though I don't know who this blog is "specially" meant for... nevertheless I am very encouraged as well... I like the way you put your thoughts down in words everytime... Thanks for everything!!

As for you who are a friend of Von, I don't know what you are going through... But be strong and of good courage!

Though in one sense yes you have to find that battle "alone"... but YET you are never really alone... you have people who love you.. this blog entry by Von is evidence of that... So jiayou!!!