Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kopi-O is LOVE

 I finally got a pair of CROCS! Vic has been raving abt his pair of Crocs slippers everytime he wore it. So he got me to Crocs, make me try and choose. Then went to buy it on Wednesday for me as Valentine's Day gift. Woo hoo! Now i'm wearing it. YEY!





Ok. Back to my title "Kopi-O is LOVE".

This is the fourth time I am trying to write this and post it up. Cos the site couldn't save it yestrdy. Anyway, recently, Pastor quitted his coffee habit. And others have been telling me... "Yvonne, coffee affects pregnancy rate." etc. But still, i won't quit coffee.

Here's why:
- I have been drinking coffee since as young as 5yrs old. At least a coffee a day.
- It's the expression of my late grandfather's love. "Ling ah, lai. Ah gong hor li lim kopi." Hmmm... Love.
- It's the only pleasant memory of my childhood i can recall.
- It's an excuse for my mum to talk to me and share with me.
- It was an excuse for me to get into my mum's boat and got her open to God.
- It's like a familiar friend who brings comfort and security.
- Moreover, I am a loyal person. I won't abandon my friend. Hee :)

So Kopi-O is reali LOVE to me. When I think of Kopi-O, I think of love. My grandpa's love. My mum's love. My love.

So how can i live without someone so familiar and so needed?

Happy Valentine's.


♥ x.i.a. ♥ said...

WOW!!~ I like what you write about why you won't quit coffee~ So nostalgic... =D

huifang Ching said...

hee. was jus about to ask how u spent vday (:

mengru li said...

how about switching to tea? :D

Yvonne Chua said...

monsterru, nobody can substitute you and so no tea can substitute my good friend coffee. HEEE... (Wo zhe zhao hai xing ba? Haha.)

Yvonne Chua said...

wendyloves, we had dinner and then a show. But dun like the show CJ7 tho. :)

Yvonne Chua said...

xia, coffee is reali like an comforting escape back to the past memories. But still, too much of the coffee/past is not that good too. :)