Saturday, April 12, 2008

Press in

Tuesday Ldrs' Mtg with Pastor Yock Kiang was awesome.

Pst YK shared on leadership.

Acts 8:4-15
Leadership is all about inspiring people.
In our leadership, do we INSPIRE people?
After being a leader for some time, are we still at the cutting edge in inspiring people?

How do you inspire?

John 6:68
1) People follow you when you have a REVELATION from God.
    - As a leader, you must not be afraid to challenge people.

Matt 4:19
2) You got to give them a vision that is greater than themselves.
    - When you have a great vision, you actually attract the right group of people for that vision.

John 21:18
3) To inspire people, you got to inspire them with love.

John 15:18
4) Inspire people with commitment and the willingness to sacrifice.

Ask yourself, are you a leader that inspires?

We then went into a time of worship and praying. The presence of God came and touched us in such a great way. Pastor prayed for the leaders. My heart goes out to them as Pastor prayed for them. I pray that none of them will give up in inspiring pp and leading their pp. Many times, the price that they had paid were not small, yet the reward seemed to not match up. But I pray they will "stick around" long enough to see that God is indeed good.

Personally, during the worship time, a thought went through my mind... "Is that reali possible?" And almost immediately, I felt God spoke to me, "Just touch Me and you will know." Right at that moment, I felt so overwhelmed. 

Just so simple? "Just touch Me." And i was reminded of the woman with the issue of blood. She touched the garment of Jesus and the power went out from Him to her to heal her. Wow. It just exploded within me.

And today Pastor Kong preached on spiritual hunger.

1Chron 4:9-10

"Honorable" (Gk. Kabod) means glory, substance and weight.

Jabez pressed into God in spite of his background.
But Jabez had unusual spiritual hunger.
Your hunger will determine your destiny.

He prayed that:
- God will bless his spiritual life
- God will enlarge his testimony
- God's presence and power will be upon his life
- God will keep him from evil

MAIN POINT: Spiritual Hunger will always lead to praying

Isa 40:30-31

How passionate are you?

Matt 6:5, Ps 91:1

During the ministry time after the preaching, I was reminded on how sometimes we feel that we have been "left behind" by the world as we commit ourselves to God. And sometimes, we feel that we are always at a disadvantage because we love God and serve God. But then the truth of the matter is that we are actually AHEAD of the rest. While we were only 15 yrs old, we learn how to handle persecution, discouragement, failures, being ostracized, etc. So that when we are at the peak of our careers, we make wise choices and we don't have to learn these only then. I felt so encouraged in my heart on such a revelation to encourage my young ones.

This week CGM was not so easy for me. Leg was in pain. And I was totally drained out after CGM. I thought it was a good CGM, but i just felt so down physically, mentally and emotionally. Felt weirdly discouraged, yet I know i wasn't spiritually discouraged. But I needed assurance very much. I wonder when will I have my "Aaron & Hur" to carry my tired hands.


Cheryl Hiew said...

i guess many of us can identify with this entry ... thanks for sharing... jia you together!

Meitong Shen said...

hey von, jia you!!
though I've moved to Wordpress,
I'm still a faithful reader of your blog!
miss me ah!

Pauline Kong said...

Hi Yvonne, there were times when I wanted to find my Aaron and Hur until I realise they are NEXT to me when I look at people with eyes of faith. Seeing that those who seemed unpotential can be people of greatness and support if we are willing to see them through ourselves. Enjoy the people around you and they will start enjoying you and be more than happy to support you. I feel that you already have that... =)