Monday, December 8, 2008


Today is the last day the contractors will be doing the final touch-up to our toilets and windows. So vic and I came out earlier to have our breakfast at one of the coffeeshops near our house. Waiting for 9.30am to avoid the peak hour charges of cab. Anyway, I finished my
porriage!!! :) so impressed with myself. Haha. Hope it's a good start for the very busy Tue.

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♥ x.i.a. ♥ said...

a good breakfast makes a good start for the day! later no time to eat one... :)

Shinji シンジ said...

As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. A good breakfast a day keeps cloudies away...

Emily Ngian said...

Porridge, haha. =)

Rachel Chiam said...

the porridge makes me hungry!